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5. And what is different from our imagination is Greg's "home" is not a small farm house, but an ordinary two story house. And this house is so common in the countryside. American families always pay attention to the decoration of kitchen and dining room, Greg home is no exception. Kitchen utensils neatly in a closet, desks are clean and brigh. The most interesting is the electric garbage processor, this machine can save you a lot of time and also is environmental. Standing at the restaurant, you can see the woods and fields outside, and suddenly there are dozens of deer will come into your eyes, they play jump in droves. Greg said: "It was wild deer, we have become commonplace". In Greg's House, there hangs rich colors pastoral painting. In Greg's office and living room which is the full range of modern office equipment, in addition to print a fax one machine, there is one computer connect to the Internet via satellite. Greg's farms and ranches, add up to about 3,000 acres, the main farm crops are soybean, wheat, corn and buckwheat.
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After reading through the guidelines, you will have some additional information. Does the publication accept query letters or prefer full manuscripts?Some magazines have a query only system. This means that you have to write a query letter and get a letter of request from the editor, before sending the full manuscript. Other publications like Decision do not look at query letters but only completed manuscripts. What's a query letter?Entire books have been written on this topic and one of the best is Irresistible Query Letters by Lisa Collier Cool Writer's Digest Books. A query is a single page letter which sells your story idea. It has a four paragraph formula. The first paragraph is a creative beginning for your article. You don't write the entire article only the first paragraph which captures the reader's interest. The purpose of this first paragraph is simply to capture the editor's attention. I won't walk you through the day of an editor but since I've been one for years, I know they are involved in a multitude of tasks.