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They schedule their time and make choices from differentiated activity lists to work towards real world solutions to real world problems. Im hoping to carry some of the successful practices into the summer with some tutoring students as a way to help stimulate engagement in the face of all those other alluring summer vacation alternatives!This includes great background information for those who need it!Then it has some fantastic examples that can be tweaked for different purposes. Lastly, I loved that it also has the resources at the end for someone who wants to learn more. I am sharing this with my staff!This article was very inspiring!I am trying to create a unit using a project on the War on Terror for my seniors. Would to hear some ideas on how to go about it. Hi Libby!I work for Cult of Pedagogy, and while I dont have any specific War on Terror PBL ideas, I would check out our Pinterest board on Project Based Learning. As a side note, do you know about NewseumED?Its kind of really awesome. I did a quick search on War of Terror and found a few things you may find useful. Project based learning doesnt just add a dose of relevance to the standard model; it builds the learning within a relevant context from the very start, so students are naturally more engaged. Ive worked on PBL with over 6000 teachers and close to 400 schools. Wrote the BIE Handbook.

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I wonder, for example, in the consumer based model of higher education, what happens to the Latina assistant professor of history in a room full of white students who are hearing for the first time that the history they have learned is complex in ways that implicate them?Or the black sociologist charged with teaching urban studies to kids who grew up with the invisible safety nets of the suburbs?In political science courses across the country, faculty of color are, in all likelihood, discussing the election of Donald Trump in classrooms with students who might think all his rhetoric is just talk. If, generally speaking, classes that ask students to reexamine their assumptions about race and racism are challenging, what is in place to protect faculty who lead difficult class conversations in this particularly volatile moment?Extensive research shows that angry students dont just act out in class but also punish faculty of color on student evaluations that are used in personnel reviews. Now, as colleges and universities have conversations with students demanding more inclusive campusesand as the country has elected a president whose campaign relied on rhetoric of exclusivityis an ideal moment to consider how faculty of color fit into the equation. This equation includes what these faculty members contribute while noting what those efforts cost them. Its something I wrestle with when I talk to young faculty members and their administrators. I want them to understand the value of their very presence on their campuses, and I want them to take to the long viewto do the work that will secure their positions on campus.
Examination Bag
You can ask your hairstylists for suggestions and recommendations on the types of scissors and clippers that they would like to use. You will also need the latest hair straighteners, blow dryers, diffusers, hair curlers, hot rollers and multi styling kits to keep up with the different hair styling demands of your customers. It is best that you go through some hair styling magazines to get an idea about the latest styling tools that are used in this business. You will also need the latest hair straighteners, blow dryers, diffusers, hair curlers, hot rollers and multi styling kits to keep up with the different hair styling demands of your customers. It is best that you go through some hair styling magazines to get an idea about the latest styling tools that are used in this business. The other supplies that you would require for your hair salon include different hair accessories, hair clips, mixing bowls, aprons, water sprayers, applicator brushes, paper towels, handheld mirrors, geyser, rubber gloves and plastic gloves.
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This strategy is especially useful when studying abstract or confusing subjects. To apply this strategy, create images in your mind that relate to, or have similarities to, the abstract concept. Visualizing information read or relayed to you will imprint it in your mind, increasing the likelihood you'll remember it. Visualization is particularly effective for memorizing systems, cycles and processes. For example, let's say for an upcoming science test you'll be required to memorize the water cycle. So let's get started. Visualize in your mind a cloud floating high in the sky. Picture the cloud getting bigger and bigger and until it bursts. Now watch as rain pours from the cloud and hits the ground. See the rain form into small streams, then larger rivers as it flows toward lakes and eventually to the ocean. Visualize the sun shining down on the ocean and evaporating the water and form into clouds which the wind then pushes inland.
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Get ready to get on the road to a better taxi experience with Uber!In the often oversimplified world of contractor based employment, the Affordable Care Act is a blessing in disguise: employees can readily obtain health care with the financial burden falling off the employer. However, in the case of Uber, this may all change. And the company is not pleased. Last year, Forbes reported that a ruling on behalf of the California Labor Commissioner named Uber drivers as employees of the mobile vehicle enterprise. With this ruling, any California Uber employees who clocked in 30+ hours a week qualified for employee sponsored health insurance under the Affordable Care Act. At that point, the ruling only affected one Uber driver, who over the course of two months in 2015 became eligible for Uber sponsored health care, by qualifying as an hourly full time equivalent. Uber took umbrage to the California ruling, having filed an appeal. In the past, Ubers CEO Travis Kalanick had talked up the Affordable Care Act, expressing the convenience of the ACA providing health care to its drivers, who are considered independent contractors. And while the Supreme Courts decision last Summer to broaden the ACAs scope of subsidies still leaned very heavily in Ubers favor, the case by case nature of handling hourly contract employees remains a controversial topic with regard to employers and the ACA. While many Uber drivers do not reach that minimum weekly hourly requirement, it certainly sets a precedent for drivers to comeespecially those drivers who tend to pack a few weeks of full time Uber hours within a short period of time. They too would qualify.