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To support the University wide adoption of the Microsoft 365 suite, the adoption programme will give every College and Department the opportunity to learn more about how Microsoft 365 can help you. In collaboration with our adoption partner, Changing Social, we will be working with each work area over the coming months, to help you learn more about this technology. We will also be relaunching our Durham Digital Champions programme and encouraging people who are keen to be Microsoft 365 ambassadors and experts, regardless of experience or technical ability, to sign up to become a Durham Digital Champion, or visit the Durham Digital Champions page to learn more. Office 365 is a cloud based service that brings together the best tools for the way people work today. By combining best in class Microsoft Office apps like Outlook, Word and PowerPoint with powerful cloud services like OneDrive, SharePoint and Microsoft Teams, Office 365 enables University of Toronto community members to create, share and collaborate securely on any device. Office 365 presents an exciting opportunity for staff, students and faculty alike.
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Teacher should create situations in which learners are most suggestible and then to present linguistic material in a way most likely to encourage positive reception and retention by learners. Lozanov lists several expected teacher behaviors as follows:The learners as well are should have faith in the system and accept that they are in a childlike situation where they follow the teacher / parent Knight, 2001, p. 154. The students should not be critical, but simply absorb what is presented to them. This involves the active presentation of the material to be learnt. The original form of Suggestopedia presented by Lozanov consisted of the use of extended dialogues, often several pages in length, accompanied by vocabulary lists and observations on grammatical points. Typically these dialogues will be read aloud to students to the accompaniment of music. The students are now guided to relax and listen to some Baroque music. The best choice of music according to Lozanov, with the text being studied very quietly in the background. During both types of reading, the learners will sit in comfortable seats, armchairs rather than classroom chairs, in a comfortable environment. After the readings of these long dialogues to the accompaniment of music, the teacher will then make use of the dialogues for more conventional language work.
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They are older, on average in 9th grade, and many were in drama or AP English classes particularly for Hamlet, since that play is often read for AP English. These students already had a fairly high prior exposure to live theater, so it is possible that the marginal benefit of this one experience on interest in theater consumption is not strong enough to be detectable. Several groups had to cancel their attendance of A Christmas Carol because their schools were closed by snowstorms on the days of the performances. In the results presented above, we have treated school closures caused by weather as random events and reassigned those schools that did not see the play to the control group. An alternative way to handle these missed performances is to leave those students in the treatment group, but to adjust the results for the fact that not all treatment group students actually attended the play as intended. Doing so produces basically the same estimated effects, with the exception that the effect of live theater on tolerance falls short of being statistically significant. We provide these results and a more detailed explanation for why they are not our preferred analysis in the methodological appendix available here. Because the statistical power of this experiment is driven by the number of school groups, not the number of individual students, we are unable to conduct subgroup analyses to reveal how seeing a play may differently affect subsets of students. For example, with our limited number of school groups we cannot know whether minority students, female students, younger students, low income students, or rural students receive different benefits from seeing live theater. Our ability to conduct these subgroup analyses is further constrained by the relative homogeneity of the students in our sample, with most being white and in advanced classes. However, this homogeneity does improve the similarity of students within our matched groupings, strengthening the overall results.