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Namely, its economic outlook is highly dependent on international commodity prices, a steep decline in natural gas and oil prices, as was seen in 2009 would lead to obvious difficulties in the economic climate of the country. Inflation is another issue that needs to be kept in check. Like many developing nations, a large upsurge in GDP growth has brought with it inflationary pressures A symptom of Dutch disease. Inflation spiked to around 14% in 2008 before, settling back down to levels closer to 8% in recent years. This issue must be handled carefully as the economy grows. This boon is national income, will need to be spent wisely. Kazakhstans wide open prairie landscape will need infrastructural spending, connecting the countries cities which are spread evenly throughout the country. Thankfully, Kazakhstan, like many former USSR states, benefits from a strong educational system, a remnant from its Soviet regime. With WTI oil prices remaining stubbornly around $100,and no immediate signs of a rapid fall off in price, and with Chinas booming economy, in need of minerals and metals that its neighbour Kazakhstan provides in abundance, the nation looks well placed to continue its growth patterns. However, the Almaty based government needs to be aware of the pitfalls of over reliance on commodities, and needs to have a systematic diversification of the economy going forward, to hedge against unwanted fluctuations in world commodity prices. According to Kazakh figures, there is approximately 50 years of oil reserves left in the country.

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The row will affect US sales and delivery times of books by authors such as JK Rowling. Authors and other publishers had criticised Amazon for using its power as the biggest player in books in this way But Amazon has dismissed the comments, and others like it, as narrow minded Shebooks, a new digital publisher of short e books by and for women, launched subscriptions to its growing library today. This week also marks the start of a Kickstarter campaign to fund new female authors called Equal Writes. Shebooks. net launched in December 2013 with eight books, each designed to be a one to two hour read. Since then its library has grown to 40 short works by top authors and journalists Ashok Banker has sold 2. 1 million copies of his books, including his retellings of Indian mythological epics, most prominently the eight book series on the Ramayana. Of these, 180,000, or about 9%, have been sold as e books or electronic books that people read on mobile devices or PCs An effort to offer e books for children in a variety of languages has added the Cherokee language to its offering. Fort Collins, Colorado based Unite for Literacy already offered narrated books in 17 different languages, including Navajo, Spanish and German. The Cherokee Nation has announced that the Cherokee language has become the 18th language offered Wowio, Inc. OTCBB:WWIO, a digital media company with a patented process for inserting ads into eBooks, a mobile eBook distribution platform, and a proprietary mobile ad network, today announced that it is launching a new mobile version of its eBook distribution platform with over 350,000 titles from IngramBooks.

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It is simply a form of power, one way of getting desired outcomes. "Soft power has been criticized as being ineffective by authors such as Niall Ferguson in the preface to Colossus. Neorealist and other rationalist and neorationalist authors with the exception of Stephen Walt dismiss soft power out of hand as they assert that actors in international relations respond to only two types of incentives: economic incentives and force. As a concept, it can be difficult to distinguish between soft power from hard power. For example, Janice Bially Mattern argues that George W. Bush's use of the phrase "you are either with us or with the terrorists" was in fact an exercise of hard power. Though military and economic force was not used to pressure other states to join its coalition, a kind of force representational force was used. This kind of force threatens the identity of its partners, forcing them to comply or risk being labeled as evil. This being the case, soft power is therefore not so soft. In cultural studies, the concept, soft power is often used for culture. However, Parc and Moon argue that soft power cannot replace culture; it is only a subset of "accumulable culture", which is an opposite concept of "accumulated culture".

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Top Hat: is a cloud based platform as an alternative to hardware clicker solutions. Instructors can use various question types to engage their classroom, create assignments on the fly, and securely administer quizzes and tests. Instructors can also adopt and author next generation interactive textbooks. To get started, please contact NAUs Account Executive: Luke OConnor. Email: luke. ; Calendar link: altura: instructors can record narrated slideshows, screencast presentations, mini lectures and brief video announcements include in Bb Learn. Such media establishes an interpersonal connection particularly in online classes, and reduces static text heavy content, replacing with dynamic media content. Syllabus Requirements: includes Safe Environment, Students with Disabilities, Academic Contact, Academic Integrity, Research Integrity, Sensitive Course Materials, Classroom Disruption PoliciesCline Library: Research Help, Special Collections, Document Delivery Services, Loan services including laptops and equipment, Course Reserves, and moree Learning Center: helps NAU faculty design and build engaging and effective courses. If you teach in person, online, or in a blended format, were your go to support team for the latest information and best practices for teaching and learning. Faculty Activity and Achievement Reporting FAAR: facilitates the evaluation process, and allows faculty to report accomplishments for departments, colleges, and the universityFaculty Professional Development Program: organizes and conducts offerings aimed at engaging faculty in focused conversations about designing teaching and learning experiences to contribute to a teaching commons at Northern Arizona University. Office of Curriculum, Learning Design, and Academic Assessment: collaborates with faculty to advance intentional curriculum, strategic learning design and meaningful assessment.

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