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These included powers to raise money through levies rates paid by landlords and large tenant farmers. Nevertheless, the freedom of manoeuvre for these councils was severely restricted by the oversight body created under the Act, the Local Government Board. These local councils were expected to oversee the implementation of myriad pieces of legislation from Westminster relating to public health, housing, and other various issues. In my paper I will examine five sets of minute books from these councils in five varying areas of County Cork: Cork outside the city, Macroom, Bantry, Kanturk and Youghal. Tied in with these minute books will be newspaper reports of LGB hearings into the construction of labourers cottages in these areas. It was at these hearings that objections and representations regarding the construction of cottages in particular localities.

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Provided at least two voting members of the Board are in concurrence, an ad hoc meeting shall be called to discuss and vote upon the removal of a board member. A supermajority vote is sufficient to remove a member of the board;11. A vote for removal shall automatically be held for any member who has missed three 3 consecutive regular meetings. The vote shall be held at the next regularly scheduled meeting. A supermajority vote is sufficient to remove a member of the board;12. Vacancies may be filled by the Chair with the approval of a simple majority vote of the members in attendance. Members appointed to fill vacancies will serve until the next election. Time served during an interim appointment shall not counted towards the time limitation identified by 7 and 8;13. In the event that a Chair is removed or resigns, an interim Chair will be elected with a simple majority vote. The interim Chairs term will last until the next election. 16.
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I dont know if we could have had that dialogue if we werent seeing each others faces, live over Google, every day for the past weeks, she said. I feel some may be less likely to say something online moving forward than if we were meeting in person, but I want to keep the dialogue open to see what happens. For Sabrina Anfossi Kareem, one on one conversations with her students at a Chicago charter school are happening through email, a platform called Remind, and over the phone. But the high school English teacher began that relationship building in person months ago in the classroom. Students are being honest with me only because we spent time at the beginning of the year going over that I want honesty, to see the students humanity, and then develop that relationship over time, she said, adding she worries about building that closeness if schools start remotely next year. Kareem reached out to her black students in recent days to ask, How are you holding up?Do you need an ear? And the answer from some was yes but they wanted to talk more than they needed a lecture. Im not talking a lot during these conversations, she said. Aside from listening to students, Kareem believes she needs to use what she hears to influence change at her school. This includes ensuring administrators know black students dont always feel their concerns are heard, as well as advocating for high quality anti bias and anti racism training. I dont want to attend another peace circle led by an untrained adult who thinks theyre being restorative when theyre really harming everyone in the room with their lack of self awareness or ability, she said. There are plenty of quality organizations doing this work.
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As releasing may just be a reason to recover these fixed costs, the control variable production phase is being taken into account by using Kickstarters estimated delivery of rewards as a proxy. Also, the author controlled for genre, as some genres have different commercial appeals. Furthermore, project quality is being taken into account as presence of video and high text quality signals the effort an entrepreneur has taken to release the product. After analyzing all the variables, all four variables total collected, supporters, pledged ratio and average collected are statistically significant and thus imply that informational mechanism effect the release of new products in a crowdfunding context. Furthermore, probability on product release is calculated when the number of supporters is increased by 10%. Overall, an increase of 10% leads to 1. 4 percentage point of probability increase of releasing the product to the market. However, between the variables, this increase in probability differs, suggesting that each type of information adds differently to the total information mechanism. The strength of the paper is the robustness of the findings as results are controlled by various control variables specific to the production of music. Furthermore, the author analyzed whether the results also hold for the successful project owners, which in fact none of the variables is statistically significant. This means that the informational mechanism only works for the failed projects.
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Whats most incredible is that salvestrols are simply extracts of fruit. Nothing more. These salvestrol supplements are made from an extract of tangerines, strawberries, and grapes. Nothing else. Just fruit extracts. So all these people are being cured of chronic cancers just by taking fruit.