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8In contrast to Kentucky's portfolio assessment system, Maryland's and Arizona's performance assessment systems cast narrower nets. They consist of on demand tasks that are administered only once during the year, providing little room for extensive student and teacher involvement. At the district level, Prince William County's Applications Assessments cast a narrow pedagogical net, while the other two district level performance assessment systems cast wider nets, even though both address only specific content or competency areas. At the school level, by design, almost all performance assessment systems and assessments are intended to cast a wide pedagogical net, as most are developed and used by teachers for pedagogical purposes. 7 This table is not necessarily descriptive of all performance assessments in the sampled education agencies' assessment systems. 8 The Kentucky performance assessment system also includes on demand tasks that are administered once a year, enabling the state to assess skills and competencies that might not have been assessed through portfolios.

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It might be tough, but you can do it!A positive attitude goes a long way toward success. 2. Make a PlanThe week before the test, ask your teacher what the test is going to cover. Is it from the textbook only?Class notes?Can you use your calculator?If you've been absent, talk to friends about material you may have missed. Make a list of the most important topics to be covered and use that as a guide when you study. Circle items that you know will require extra time. Be sure to plan extra time to study the most challenging topics. 3. The Night BeforeCramming doesn't work. If you've followed a study plan, the night before the test you should do a quick review and get to bed early. Remember, your brain and body need sleep to function well, so don't stay up late!4.
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E. Gerkema, L. Ding, V. E. Belozerov, and Q. X. Poster Presentation number 2. Page 18, 2nd Annual FSU Life Sciences Symposium:Found in Translation Program. College of Medicine, Florida State University,Tallahassee, FL. January 12 13, 2012. 140.