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They found that drivers generally arent able to detect when the car in front of them is going slower than they are, unless the difference in speed is at least eight to ten miles an hour. Well, if people cant detect that the car in front of them is going slower, youre going to run into it, Gregory Corso, Ph. D. , a professor of psychology at the Georgia Institute of Technology in Atlanta, told Ivanhoe. Safety devices are designed to protect you if a crash happens, but now, these researchers have developed an algorithm they say could prevent many rear end crashes from happening by creating a collision warning system that adjusts to the way you drive. incorporate your driving style and your braking behavior and learn basically how you stop the car and modify its behavior to mimic your behavior, Dr. Corso explained. And we could put it into a warning system to tell people that the car in front of them is not going as fast as they are, and either stop the car or slow up, Nicholas Kelling, a graduate teaching assistant at the Georgia Institute of Technology, said. FES/stories/18056 full. htmlAvoiding Rear end CollisionsIf you spend a lot of time in traffic, chances are youve either had or almost had a traffic accident. One of the most common kinds of accidents are rear end collisions.

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Not to mention, these three news sources are well established and can be viewed almost anywhere in both print and online. Discourse analysis is a method used to analyze written, spoken, or signed language. This form of analysis was helpful in looking at news articles pertaining to the Occupy Movement because articles surrounding the movement run the gamut from violence to changes people hope to see in the near future. The two main methods for such analysis are corpus linguistics and qualitative coding; under these methods are tools for more in depth research. Corpus linguistics includes examining word frequencies, collocation tables, concordance lines, and being able to compare corpora to the entire corpus. Qualitative coding is more general, looking into key themes and language usage relating to a specific topic, in this case, Occupy Wall Street. Discourse analysis allows people to see a hierarchy of language and people. Mentioned before, our corpus consists of three major news sources, New York Times, USA Today and the Los Angeles Times. At first, we started out with five news sources, but we realized we had compiled too many texts to analyze. From there, we decided to pick three news sources from different regions of the United States giving a better representation of opinions in all of the US. In order to make sure our information was up to date, we decided to analyze articles published from January 2012 and on.
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The post flight segment may include one or more multiple saltos, somersaults, or twisting movements. A round off entry vault, called a Yurchenko, is the most common vault in the higher levels in gymnastics. When performing a Yurchenko, gymnasts "round off" so their hands are on the runway while their feet land on the springboard. From the roundoff position, the gymnast travels backwards and executes a back handspring so that the hands land on the vaulting table. The gymnast then blocks off the vaulting platform into various twisting and/or somersaulting combinations. The post flight segment brings the gymnast to her feet. In the lower levels of gymnastics, the gymnasts do not perform this move. These gymnasts will jump onto the springboard with both feet at the same time and either do a front handspring onto the vault or a roundoff onto the vault. In 2001, the traditional vaulting horse was replaced with a new apparatus, sometimes known as a tongue, horse or vaulting table. The new apparatus is more stable, wider, and longer than the older vaulting horse, approximately 1 m in length and 1 m in width, giving gymnasts a larger blocking surface. This apparatus is thus considered safer than the vaulting horse used in the past.
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Remove and sweeten with sugar syrup, then pour it into tall glasses which have crushed ice in them and garnish with lemon slices. Ginger and Lemongrass flavoured TeaThis feels wonderful if you drink it hot when you feel the flu or a cold coming on. It can be served either hot or chilled. It is especially comforting when traveling by car, boat, or airplane, since it alleviates feelings of nausea. Lemongrass, 1 stalk sliced lengthwiseLemon, 1Water, 4 cupsGinger root, 2 tsp. fresh, gratedHerbal tea, 2 tsp.
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Depending on the type of examination, Chairs of Examiners may also be eligible for additional retainer fee when the number of candidates assessed by the exam board exceeds 30, as follows:The additional retainer fee is the sum of the piece rate fee for each additional candidate over 30 e. g. This piece rate fee also differs depending on the type of examination, as outlined in the published Schedule of Fees. Payments of Chairs' retainer fees must be submitted to Finance for processing via the EAP portal in the same way as any other type of payments. Full guidance relating to the EAP portal, including how to gain access and user manuals, is available from the EAP support page. Chairs of Examiners are entitled to receive payment for checking the composition of exam papers set for the examination. This fee is payable in respect of each paper set for the examination, as outlined in the published Schedule of Fees. Like all other type of payments, it must be submitted to Finance for procesing via the EAP portal. Full guidance relating to the EAP portal, including how to gain access and user manuals, is available from the EAP support page. Depending on the type of examination, one of the following payment tasks should be selected to submit payments of this fee in the EAP portal:Note: This fee is not equivalent to the higher rate fee payable for actual setting of written exam papers. If a Chair of Examiners is directly involved in the setting of an exam paper i.