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She practiced yoga daily, swam laps in the summers and took daily walks with her husband. Maggies gardens were magnificent as she tended to them daily with her garden walks. A mass was held for Maggie at St. Francis of Assisi on Oct. 20. Her wishes were to have her body donated to New York Medical College to further medical science.

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She taught CCD classes at St. Francis of Assisi. She worked with the public library to offer summer art courses for the children in town, including hat making, tie dyeing and making a quilt that hung in the library for many years. In later years, Maggie volunteered at the Mount Kisco Child Care Center and drove for FISH for more than 20 years. Maggie was a woman of great talents and varied interests. She was an avid seamstress her whole life. She sewed her childrens clothes, including embroidering and smocking dresses for her five girls and granddaughters. She was a master and award winning quilter, creating more than 40 personalized quilts and wall hangings for her family members. She loved to knit and was known for gifting a tomato hat to newborn children. Maggie was passionate about learning and staying active. She learned calligraphy, paint with watercolors, quilt, knit and decorate cakes.
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For each incremental use of a word related to zeal will decrease the chance of repayment by 3% Moss et al. 2015, p. 47. Innovativeness and proactiveness are not significant. For every incremental word autonomy for every 100 words in the narrative, there is a 3% increase in the likelihood of receiving funding Moss et al. 2015, p. 46. Autonomy, competitive aggressiveness, innovativeness and risk taking are not significant. Discussion and ImplicationApart from the H3 results the results are counterintuitive to the theoretical argumentation. The lack of VO impact on funding might be explained as follows. Entrepreneurs on this platform request a loan in order to provide for their family and be able to survive.
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2; 1993 Reg. Sess. , 1994, c. 677, s. 14; 1995, c. 288, s. 3;1997 221, s. 12b; 1997 240, s. 3; 1998 212, s. 11. 12a; 1999 84, s.