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Cairde is also an umbrella organization which advocates for support to address health inequities among ethnic minorities. In some sense there exists a division of labor between the two organizations which stems from the original funders of both organizationsAtlantic Philanthropies and a US exchange organized by the Migration policy group in Washington D. C. which helped inform activists involved in setting up both organizations. The ICI dealt with 10,000 inquiries in 2007 from its information service a rise of 33% over the number of requests in 2006. The organization receives no state funding for its core services relying on a subvention from Citizens Advice Bureaus for its hotline.

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7 years of follow up. 6. 7 years is simply not long enough to make a statement that Bariatric surgery doesn't prolong lives. When I had my surgery done 3. 5 years ago it was because I wanted to do something that would let me live at least another 20 years, because the way I was I didn't think I would last 5 more years. So it's still way too early to tell.
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Reduced phosphoThr231 tau was related to a reduction of monoubiquitin conjugated tau, suggesting that this posttranslationally modified form of tau may be rapidly degraded. Overexpression of a Thr231 phospho mimic tau in vitro increased clearance and decreased accumulation of tau compared with wild type tau. These preclinical findings suggest that oral nicotinamide may represent a safe treatment for AD and other tauopathies, and that phosphorylation of tau at Thr231 may regulate tau stability. Zark cites an article; actually an abstract from the Journal of Neuroscience. For the ones who, like me, had to wade through the technicals, essentially it said that the non flushing form of niacin/B 3, is really helpful in reducing the amount of "forgetfulness" associated with Alzheimer's. And interestingly the very next post discussed the same benefit in psychological issues referring the reader to a Doctor Mercola interview. From my perspective, I take the flushing form almost daily to ward off migraine attacks. I was concerned when I read that removing amyloid plaque might make matters worse, so I looked up ultrasound for dementia which has been used successfully to improve the memories of mice in experiments conducted in Australia. I was relieved to read that the ultrasound removed plaque from the mice's brains, and instead of getting worse they improved. If nattokinase can cross the blood/brain barrier, seems it would be a much simpler way to improve an Alzheimer patient's memory. Dave, I believe my mother would benefit from taking niacin.
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It is becoming abundantly clear to educators and employers that students need to be able to do more than spit out facts. In a 2015 survey conducted by the National Association of Colleges and Employers, employers listed the skills they valued the most in new hires. In the top 10 were qualities like the ability to work on a team, problem solving skills, written and verbal communication skills, and initiative. All of these are developed beautifully in project based learning. Improved Academic PerformanceThe research on project based learning tells us that it closes the achievement gap for underserved populations, improves understanding and retention of content, and increases motivation for all students. For more information on these studies, see the Buck Institutes Research Summary on the Benefits of PBL. Media Saves the BeachWhen California cut its budget for water quality testing, these San Diego high school students were charged with figuring out how to test the water quality on their own, then educate the public about ways they could protect and improve water quality in their daily lives. This project engaged student learning in two content areas: science knowledge was required to study the problem and develop solutions, and English language arts skills were needed to effectively communicate their ideas to the public. Schenk Courtyard ProjectStudents at Schenk Elementary School were asked to redesign an underutilized courtyard space on the school campus. They drafted, revised, and presented their ideas in formal presentations to their classmates. They then met with architects, who shared their own plans and took student suggestions.